Technology News | New York Times

The Safe School Framework

Our schools need to be safe for students, teachers and visitors alike. The Need Pipe Group, and its partners, have created a solution that starts with the school buses, where the students' temperatures are checked by a dashboard mounted CheckPoint thermal AI camera and also asked to sanitize their hands. 

The Safe School Framework from The Need Pipe Group

The school entrances are protected by realtime temperature check points which can be linked to student record systems to allow for facial recognition if needed. Any temperature exceptions are highlighted and exception handling processes activated. Need Pipe can work with your institution to build the correct processes for you.

Our partner HandyPOS hand sanitizers provide visual and audio reminders of the need to wash hands well and frequently and can monitor the number of times the sanitizer has been dispensed.

As the students and teachers walk through the school thermal imaging cameras track distancing and alert if there are any rules that have been broken.

This is all underpinned by an analytics engine that will provide the right information for you to allow you monitor what is happening in the school and make the correct decisions in a timely manner.